City 5-10-18
The City’s Engineering Department announced its street work schedule for 2018 at a press conference at the intersection of Kennedy Drive and Morningside Drive in the Sun Valley Addition today.
Mayor Marian Orr, who campaigned for better roads in 2016 and took office in early 2017, said she is pleased with the progress the City is making with street improvements but more needs to be done. “When I ran for office people told me they wanted their roads fixed. We need to do it right the first time. We are on the right path.”
Engineering Department Construction Manager Sam Berta said the City plans to chip seal more than 25 miles of streets this year.
During the summer of 2017, the City conducted its first chip seal program in more than 20 years and found the program to be worthwhile. “Motorists will notice that there is more surface work on City streets this summer than in past years,” said Berta. “This is all because the chip seal process is less expensive which allows more street work to be done and helps prolong the life of a street.”
Part of that 25 miles of chip seal includes Nationway from Logan Avenue to Ridge Road which will get a double-chip seal.
Besides the chip seal work, other work includes:
- The construction of a one-lane roundabout at the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Frontier Mall Drive. The construction is expected to start after Cheyenne Frontier Days and be completed in November.
- Christensen Road overpass is expected to start construction late this fall. This project was approved by Laramie County voters in 2017. The project will be in full swing in the spring of 2019.
- Mill and overlay of Mountain Road between Dell Range Boulevard and Council Bluff
- Mill and overlay of 20th Street between Evans Avenue and Carey Avenue.
- Construction of the Commons Project is scheduled to start in July.
Chip seal work is scheduled in each of the City’s three wards. (see attached list)
cheyenne Street work 2018
Here are the streets that will be addressed on the Pavement Management Program for the summer of 2018. One thing that should be noted is that 2017 Chip Seal #2 was not completed last year, because of weather, and will be carried over and completed this summer.
Chip Seal 2017 #2: Cleveland Avenue – East 12th Street to East Lincolnway
East 5th Street, Warren Avenue to Logan Avenue Viaduct
9th Street, Deming Drive to Bradley Avenue
East 12th Street, North College Drive to Sun Valley Drive
Morrie Avenue, East Fox Farm Road to East 5th Street
Nationway, Logan Avenue to Ridge Road
Taft Avenue, Raleigh Drive to East Pershing Boulevard
Walterscheid Boulevard, West College Drive to West Fox Farm Road
Windmill Road – Sheridan Street to Pineridge Avenue
Chip Seal 2018 #1: East Pershing Boulevard, Windmill Road to County Line (just west of Cleveland Avenue)
Randall Avenue, I-25 to West 27th Street
Ridge Road, Storey Boulevard to East 12th Street
Carey Avenue, West Lincolnway to Kennedy Road
Powderhouse Road, Storey Boulevard to Dell Range Boulevard
South Parsley Boulevard, West College Drive to I-80 Overpass
Henderson Drive, East Pershing Boulevard to Omaha Road
Chip Seal 2018 #2:
Ward #1
East 10th Street, Warren Avenue to Russell Avenue
East 8th Street, Warren Avenue to Duff Avenue
East 7th Street, Warren Avenue to Alexander Avenue
East 6th Street, Warren Avenue to Duff Avenue
Warren Avenue, East 11th Street to East 5th Street
House Avenue, East 10th Street to East 5th Street
Evans Avenue, East 10th Street to East 5th Street
Van Lennen Avenue, East 10th Street to East 5th Street
Maxwell Avenue, East 10th Street to East 5th Street
Seymour Avenue, East 10th Street to East 5th Street
Pebrican Avenue, East 10th Street to East 5th Street
Russell Avenue, East 10th Street to East 5th Street
Morrie Avenue, North of East 9th Street to East 5th Street
Bradley Avenue, East 9th Street to Alley South of East 6th Street
Duff Avenue, Alley North of East 7th Street to Alley South of East 6th Street
Alexander Avenue, Alley North of East 7th Street to Alley South of East 6th Street
Ward #2
Western Hills Boulevard, Buffalo Avenue to Bishop Boulevard
Deer Avenue, Western Hills Boulevard to Evers Boulevard
Antelope Avenue, Ridgeland Street to Western Hills Boulevard
Elk Avenue, Ridgeland Street to Western Hills Boulevard
Buffalo Avenue, Western Hills Boulevard to Ranger Drive
Ranger Drive, Buffalo Avenue to Evers Boulevard
Golden Hill Street, Ranger Drive to Evers Boulevard
Evergreen Street, Ranger Drive to Evers Boulevard
Arrow Place, Evergreen Street to Ridgeland Street
Ridgeland Street, Buffalo Avenue to Evers Boulevard
Creighton Street, Buffalo Avenue to Evers Boulevard
Pike Street, Buffalo Avenue to Deer Avenue
Custer Street, Buffalo Avenue to Deer Avenue
Ward #3
Atlantic Drive, Taft Avenue to East of Pennsylvania Avenue
Kennedy Drive, Atlantic Drive to Pennsylvania Avenue
Miami Circle, Everglade Drive to Dead End
Cape Court, Atlantic Drive to Dead End
Providence Place, Gettysburg Drive to Pennsylvania Avenue
East 13th Street, East 12th Street to East of Pennsylvania Avenue
Pennsylvania Avenue, East 13th Street to Atlantic Drive
Gettysburg Drive, East 12th Street to South of Atlantic Drive
Morningside Drive, East 12th Street to Atlantic Drive
Colonial Drive, East 12th Street to Atlantic Drive
Centennial Drive, East 12th Street to Atlantic Drive
Everglade Drive, East 12th Street to Atlantic Drive
Tampa Court, Everglade Drive to Dead End
Phoenix Drive, Taft Avenue to Crest Park Drive
East 8th Street, Taft Avenue to Cottonwood Drive
Carmon Circle, East 8th Street to Dead End
Cottonwood Drive, Atlantic Avenue to Kennedy Drive
Mill and Overlay 2018:
Mountain Road, Dell Range Boulevard to Council Bluff Avenue
20th Street, Evans Avenue to Carey Avenue