CPD Seeking More Information From Sex Abuse Victims

CPD   8-21-18

The Cheyenne Police Department is seeking information regarding sex abuse claims that have been reported to the CPD through the Wyoming Catholic Diocese’s internal investigation.  With new information, the CPD has reopened an investigation in regards to allegations of abuse taking place in Cheyenne in the 1970’s through the late 1990’s by a local church official.  However, due to the time that has passed since those events, CPD investigators are seeking additional information from any victims or witnesses.


The CPD is asking any victims or witnesses of sex abuse crimes taking place within Cheyenne and related to a church official to contact the Laramie County Dispatch Center at 307-637-6525.  In an effort to consolidate these cases, the CPD is asking anyone making a report in relation to the church to do so by September 21.

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