DDA 10-17-18
In recent months, downtown Cheyenne has experienced an increase in graffiti and tagging. In response to this growing issue, the Cheyenne Downtown Development Authority/Main Street is spearheading a coordinated campaign to get rid of this growing blight on the central business district, DDA/Main Street, along with City Councilors Scott Roybal, Jeff White and Pete Laybourn, is partnering with the Cheyenne Police Department to host a community forum to discuss ideas to combat and alleviate the issue.
This stake holders meeting will be held Tuesday, October 23, at 6 p.m. in the Cottonwood Room at Laramie County Library. DDA has been concerned about this growing property crime issue and has conducted extensive research on the effects of unabated graffiti and how communities are addressing it. DDA then reached out to city councilors who represent downtown to help bring attention to the problem, build support for the action and explore a range of solutions. The next step is the community forum.
The meeting will include a short presentation that will detail the issue, what happens when graffiti is left unabated, how graffiti is currently addressed, and ideas for an abatement program and ordinance. After the presentation, time will be allotted for stakeholder input.