First Unit Train Loads Up at Swan Ranch

By Kari Eakins – 20 Aug ’14

The Swan Ranch Industrial Park has received its first unit train on the Union Pacific Railroad for loading. The 133 crude car train represents a major milestone for the industrial park, which is located four miles North of the Colorado border.

“This 4,000 acre development primarily serves the heavy industrial and energy segments,” says Scott Sutherland, Director of Real Estate at Granite Peak Development. “The property borders are impressive as well – Interstate 25, Interstate 80, the Union Pacific and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe.”

Over $100 million has been invested in the development of infrastructure at Swan Ranch, giving it the capacity to serve almost any industrial user according to Dan Guerttman, COO of Granite Peak Development.

Randy Bruns, the CEO of the local economic development group Cheyenne LEADS adds, “Wyoming’s rating as the friendliest place to do business combined with our historically low tax rate and the capacity of the Swan Ranch are creating a perfect storm for economic development in the area.”

Current Swan Ranch tenants include Bell Supply, LEAM, AES, Brenntag, Midwestern Pipe, Jebro, Volvo Rents, Thunder Ridge Transportation, Cripple Creek Energy, Crominent, Magnablend, Bridger, Cogent Energy and Searing Industries Wyoming.

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