Gov 9-10-19
Members of Governor Gordon’s Big Game Migration Corridor Advisory Group issued a range of recommendations to the Governor. Among them is a call for the Governor to issue an Executive Order (EO) to create a state-directed program that would codify policies that balance conservation with multiple-use opportunities.
“I want to thank members of the advisory committee for their efforts,” Governor Gordon said. “They accepted the challenge of working collaboratively to identify potential solutions that would both conserve our wildlife and support our economy through multiple uses of public lands. This is what we do in Wyoming. I look forward to reviewing the recommendations and receiving feedback about them.”
The core aim of the recommendations is to have all types of development outside of corridors as a first priority. Inside corridors, the goal is to ensure the continued functionality and health of the corridors as well as the big game herds that use them.
The advisory group also recommended the EO include:
- Changes to the process for officially designating a corridor
- The development of local working groups for designated corridors
- Direction to actively engage landowners prior to designation
- A law change that would require commercial-electrical generation solar and wind power projects be reviewed by the Industrial Siting Council to ensure they do not impact the functionality of corridors.
The group included representatives from the oil and gas, mining and agriculture sectors, as well as conservation, recreation and sportsmen groups, and a county commissioner.
A complete list of the group’s recommendations can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/wywildlifemigrationadvisorygrp/home
A webinar to review the complete list of recommendations will take place at 11 am on September 12. To register for the webinar, visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ErZtr8uLSzawtJGCIusVag