Health Net tells Wyo. Congressional delegation that improved service for Wyo. veterans is on the way

Enzi, Barrasso, Cheney  4-15-18

A company serving Wyoming veterans has not provided the health care veterans need and deserve, according to Wyoming’s congressional delegation.  After a meeting this week, the delegation was personally promised the situation will improve.


U.S. Senators Mike Enzi, John Barrasso and Congresswoman Liz Cheney, all R-Wyo., met with officials from Centene Corporation, the parent company of Health Net Federal Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The delegation continues to seek better accountability from both the VA and Health Net to improve the services for Wyoming veterans. At the conclusion of the meeting, Health Net said its goal is to resolve outstanding claims under the Veterans Choice program by the end of May.


“John, Liz and I each get requests from veterans who want help with their health care. We want to make sure their concerns do not fall on deaf ears and to ultimately get the problems resolved,” Enzi said. “What I heard from the folks in our meeting has led me to believe they are hearing us and that is a positive step.”


“As a doctor, I am passionate about ensuring our veterans receive the very best health care,” said Barrasso. “Actions speak louder than words and I will continue to hold Health Net accountable for the commitments made during our discussion.”


“John, Mike and I are committed to doing everything possible to make sure our veterans get the care they deserve,” Cheney said. “We have received assurances from new leadership in place at Health Net that the ongoing failure to pay providers across Wyoming will be remedied. We will continue to hold Health Net accountable for the commitments they have made to us and to Wyoming’s veterans.”


Health Net contracts with the Veterans Administration to pay health care providers for services provided under the VA Choice and Tricare programs in the state. Veterans complain Health Net has not been responsive or efficient in scheduling the appointments they need. Health care providers contacted the delegation because they are not receiving proper reimbursements for providing care. Health Net assured the delegation that is about to change.

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