Laramie County Sheriff Investigates Alleged Cock Fighting

vijay_chennupati, Flickr

By Kari Eakins – 30 Dec ’14

A cock fighting investigation is being conducted by the Laramie County Sheriff’s Department. Captain Linda Gesell says a search warrant was executed on Saturday at a barn northwest of Cheyenne following tips from the public.

Authorities seized 70-75 roosters, B complex vitamins, hypodermic needles, penicillin, sparring gear, small clippers, files and a small coping saw typically used to trim bird’s beaks and talons.

“The B vitamins with the hypodermic needles are used to, what they would typically call ‘jack up’ or get hyper, the roosters before they fight,” Gesell told KFBC.

Gesell also reports that one rooster was found dead in a feed bag with injuries to its head, chest and feet, although she says they cannot confirm if the rooster was killed in a fight or by other means.

Detectives are still conducting interview for the ongoing investigation. The case will be sent to the Laramie County District Attorney’s office for review and request of formal charges. Gesell says names associated with the case will only be released if charges are filed.