LCSD#1 2-27-18
As communities across the nation come to grips with the tragedy that occurred in Parkland, Florida, word of a National School Walkout day on March 14 has surfaced. Laramie County School District 1 officials will allow high school students to participate in student-led activities for a duration of 17 minutes inside of school. The activities are site-based and determined by student leaders with staff oversight. Student participation is optional. During the week leading to this event, students will be exposed to instructional units aligned with both the district and state approved social studies standards.
The primary goal is to keep students safe. The theme of the culminating event is school safety, not any particular political agenda. The event is to promote non-violence in schools and is not intended for administrators to support pro- or anti-gun positions. The primary objective is to help students responsibly find a voice within a safe environment, whatever their positions may be.