BOPU 9-2-17
As part of ongoing efforts to maintain Cheyenne’s water system, the City of Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (Board) will be removing sediment in the Lower North Crow Reservoir at the John and Annie Woodhouse Recreation and Wildlife Habitat Area located about 27 miles northwest of Cheyenne. The Lower North Crow Reservoir’s water, used to irrigate the City of Cheyenne’s parks, was built it 1911 and rehabilitated in 1994 and at full capacity holds about 32 million gallons of water.
Over the years, silt and sediment has migrated downstream and been trapped in Lower North Crow Reservoir and decreasing the water storage capacity. The silt removal project, which would involve removing about 14,000-cubic yards of sediment, will restore water storage capacity and assist the Wyoming Game and Fish Department by improving the aquatic habitat.
With anticipation of this project, the Board has partnered with Game and Fish during the planning process. Lowering the reservoir water level allows not only the Board with easier access for silt removal, but also benefits Game and Fish by reducing a problematic sucker population, allowing easier access for the installation of a fishing pier for people with disabilities and improving future aquatic habitats for the benefit of public recreation and the reservoir’s ecosystem. Normally Lower North Crow Reservoir is stocked annually with trout. This year, 2017, with anticipation of the project, trout were not stocked; but, stocking will resume upon completion of the project in 2018.
The Lower North Crow Reservoir provides water supply, water quality benefits, aquatic habitat and public recreational opportunities. The silt removal project is expected start October 2017 and to continue through December 2017.