Marijuana Edibles Bill Passes Second Reading

Staff    2-23, 2016

The State Senate has passed, on second reading, a bill that would make it a felony in Wyoming to possess more than three ounces of marijuana in edible form. The bill includes an amendment that would make it a misdemeanor for the two convictions under Senate File 96. The first conviction would result in a punishment of eight days in jail and a $3,000 file. A second conviction within three years of the first would be up to 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine, and a third conviction would result in up to 120 days in jail and a $3,000 fine. With each conviction, the courts could require the defendant to take part in substance abuse treatment.

Senator Curt Meier from La Grange brought the amendment forward. He says it shows the State doesn’t tolerate edible marijuana.

The Senate continues to argue about how to measure the concentration of marijuana in an edible, and just how strong it is. Senator Bruce Burns of Sheridan says if a person was caught with very low amounts of marijuana in an edible, they shouldn’t immediately become a felon.

Senator Bill Landon from Casper says it is better to not come down as hard on a first time offender.

Lawmakers say the state is seeing an increase in marijuana edibles and other substances containing the drug since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana in 2014.