Staff 1-29, 2016
Laramie County School District #1 will open Meadowlark School next fall, even with the state facing budget shortfalls. John Lyttle, Superintendent of LCSD #1, says the money was already appropriated to the district and it’s important that Meadowlark opens. At the rate the district is growing, it is running out of space to put more modular units at elementary schools.
When Meadowlark does open, it will open with only fifth grade students. Because construction is unpredictable, Lyttle says the fifth graders will use Eastridge near Carey Junior High until the doors open at Meadowlark.
Meadowlark will be the first school for only fifth and sixth grades in the district. Moving these grades to their own building will help the district get closer to the goal of a 16 to 1 student to teacher ratio.