6-20, 2016
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul L. Roberts as the permanent director of the Cheyenne VA Medical Center. Roberts will oversee delivery of healthcare to more than 24,000 Veterans and an operating budget of $153 million in support of Veterans and families located throughout Southeast Wyoming, Western Nebraska, and Northern Colorado.
“We are excited to permanently assign Mr. Roberts as the Director of the Cheyenne VA Medical Center,” said Mr. Ralph Gigliotti, Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 19 Director. “His sound leadership qualities and proven experience will be valuable assets for the facility, the employees, volunteers and, most importantly, for the Veterans we are honored to serve. His official appointment date is June 26, 2016.”
Roberts joined VA three years ago after serving more than 20 years as an Army Medical Service Corps Officer throughout the United States and overseas. He has been the Interim Medical Center Director in Cheyenne since November 2015, and served as the Associate Medical Center Director in Cheyenne since April 2013.
While serving in the Army Medical Department, his most notable assignments and leadership positions included Deputy Commander, Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital & the 121 Combat Support Hospital, Seoul, Korea; Deputy Commander, Reynolds Army Community Hospital, Ft. Sill, Okla.; Associate Deputy Commander, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Ft. Bliss, Texas; and Regional Director for Physician Network Services for the Department of Defense and Humana Military Healthcare Services at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
The Cheyenne VA Medical Center represents a unique blend of community care and remote rural healthcare serving Veterans in one of the largest geographical service areas in the VA system. Over 900 staff members serve Veterans in facilities located in Cheyenne, Wyo.; Ft. Collins & Greeley, Colo.; Sidney, Neb.; and four mobile telehealth units in: Torrington, Wheatland and Laramie, Wyo., and Sterling, Colo.
Roberts holds a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from Baylor University, Waco, Texas. He is a member and board-certified fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives, and former President of the US Army-Baylor Alumni Association. He and his wife, Heather, have three children; Tori, Adam, and Elli Roberts, and they enjoy living in Cheyenne.