9-1, 2016
One Laramie County commissioner is concerned about a quarter cent tax proposal that will appear on the November ballot. The Children’s Museum of Cheyenne was successful in their petition drive to get a quarter cent of a 7th Penny Tax issue on the ballot to raise money for construction for the museum in downtown Cheyenne. Commissioner Amber Ash says this issue should be decided by the taxpayers.
But Ash says she’s concerned the quarter cent tax could hurt an important 6th Penny Tax issue coming up in May.
Caroline Veit, Vice President of the Children’s Museum of Cheyenne Board, says they’re intention is not to hurt the 6th Penny vote, but felt this was their best opportunity to get the issue in front of the voters.
Veit couldn’t comment on whether or not voters will be voting on a quarter cent tax for the museum at the current proposed location in “the hole” downtown or another location. Two acres of land on Cheyenne’s west edge have been offered to the museum. Veit says the board didn’t receive the offer about the land until late Tuesday and they haven’t had a chance to discuss it yet.