BHE 12-18-18
Black Hills Energy submitted a proposal today to the Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC) seeking approval for a new Renewable Ready Service Tariff to serve customer needs for renewable energy resources. The Renewable Ready program would offer large commercial and industrial customers and governmental agencies the option of purchasing local utility-scale renewable energy resources through a subscription program to fulfill up to 100 percent of their electricity needs. As proposed, participants would be able to enter into contracts with Black Hills Energy to purchase renewable energy for periods of five to 25 years.
“Our customers are asking for renewable energy options that will support their business goals,” said Shirley Welte, Black Hills Energy’s vice president of electric and gas operations for Wyoming. “As their energy partner, we are ready to meet our customers’ needs with innovative solutions. The Renewable Ready Service Tariff does just that.”
To establish a dedicated energy supply for the Renewable Ready program, Black Hills Energy is also requesting approval from the WPSC for a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) to construct a new, 40-megawatt (MW) wind energy generating facility near Cheyenne – the Corriedale Wind Energy Project. If approved, the $57 million Corriedale wind project would be placed into service in the fall of 2020. Corriedale would be jointly owned by Black Hills Energy and its affiliate electric utility serving western South Dakota, which also offer the Renewable Ready program to eligible customers.
Through the proposed Renewable Ready Program and its utility-scale generation facilities, participants would be able to purchase renewable energy at a cost substantially lower than if they chose to install and maintain renewable energy systems constructed on-site at their business locations.
“Renewable energy is an increasingly important part of our balanced mix of generation resources,” continued Welte. “We’re excited to support our customers’ needs and sustainability goals with locally-produced, cost-effective renewable energy.”
Review and approval of Black Hills Energy’s Renewable Ready Service Tariff and CPCN is subject to an open public process governed by the WPSC.