BOPU 5-17-19
Recently some residents in Cheyenne received packages or notices offering free water testing. The offer in these notices is not supported, sponsored or from the City of Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (Board).
“Cheyenne’s treated drinking water consistently surpasses state and federal standards, making Cheyenne’s water reliable and safe,” stated the Board’s Water Conservation Specialist, Dena Egenhoff. The Board has stringent requirements in place to test the water for many compounds and elements. Results of these tests are documented in the Water Quality Report or Consumer Confidence Report, which is available to all customers.
The Board adheres to rigorous scientific procedures at our water lab. In cases where water testing sample packets are left at the door step, there is no way to guarantee a proper sample was collected nor that the water sample results truly represent the water quality. “If customers have water quality concerns, they should contact the Board’s Water Treatment Plant directly at 307-635-7693 for assistance,” Egenhoff stated.
The Board wants customers to make informed decisions about their drinking water. When considering these solicitations, carefully read the information and consider the source of the solicitation.