By Staff
CHEYENNE, WYO – The Wyoming State Library invites young readers in grades 4-12 to submit their entries to Letters About Literature (LAL), a national writing contest sponsored by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.
To enter, students write a letter to an author, past or present, describing how that author’s work somehow changed the student’s view of the world or of himself/herself. There are three competition levels: Level 1 for students in grades 4-6; Level 2, grades 7-8; and Level 3, grades 9-12.
The Wyoming State Library will award $150 to the first place winner in each level, $100 to second place and $50 for third. National winners in each competition level will receive a $1,000 cash award; national honor winners in each level will receive a $200 cash award. See examples of winning letters at www.read.gov/letters/contests/winners/2015.
Postmark deadline for Level 3 (grades 9-12) is Dec. 4, 2015. Deadline for Levels 1 and 2 is Jan. 11, 2016. Students may submit their letters individually, or teachers may choose to have their classrooms participate. More information, guidelines, entry forms and teacher resources are available at www.wyominglibraries.org/read-be-inspired-write-back.html.
Teachers, students and parents may contact Susan Mark, Wyoming State Library publications specialist, at susan.mark@wyo.gov or 307-777-5915 with questions and for additional information.