Laramie County School District Number 1 is reporting multiple cases of COVID-19 at Cheyenne High Schools. One student at Central High, one student at South High and two students at East High recently tested
positive for COVID-19. In addition, a district staff member who travels to multiple schools recently tested positive for COVID-19, and two staff members at Central High also tested positive Friday.
Cheyenne Laramie County Health Department is in the process of contact tracing and those who had direct contact with any of the individuals
who tested positive will receive guidance regarding next steps.
Students, parents and staff members are encouraged to wear face coverings.
If individuals feel ill or exhibit any of the COVID-19 symptoms, they should stay home and contact a health care provider for
assistance. Free COVID-19 testing is available at CLCHD.
Due to privacy laws, we cannot release the identities of students or staff members.